This is an election for AlantiZ members...
Before this... make sure u are the only people in front the PC!You have to be honest, u have to think twice, and make ur answer as serious as possible...I call this Game as "Atlantion"...PLZ... try not to smile or laugh from this seconds onward... Serious~~~
Before this... make sure u are the only people in front the PC!You have to be honest, u have to think twice, and make ur answer as serious as possible...I call this Game as "Atlantion"...PLZ... try not to smile or laugh from this seconds onward... Serious~~~
OK... It goes like this.. Just Answer the questions below...
One day, all the atlantiz members go Pulau Redang for holiday...On the way, our boat meets gang of pirates...Then...we been brought to their big ship...
All of us been tied up by rope and separated to different places of the ship...U are now Alone...In the next second......
Situation 1_The captain of pirates come to u and ask u some questions....
Q1." Tell me who is ur leader"
Q2."Now i leave ur friend's life on u, choose one person to kill for survive all, if not... u will die"
Situation 2_U have been isolated at a dark place,U been blindfolded,A quiet place...
Q3.Who do u think is the first person betray atlantiz to free himself alone?
Q4.Who do u think is the first person of atlantiz members who fight against pirates for atlantiz?
Is simple questions.. But is not easy to answer... Try to give ur answer wif own very serious explanation...Give Name!Give explaination!
For those who not atlantiz members, please dont give any comments just on this post... sorry... this is our own 家事...
Let's Atlantiz know more about Atlantiz... Atlantiz need Atlantiz!!!
*The idea of the question from ji lin~Zhi,thanks him...
*Tell the truth...
who is ji lin-zhi ? ?? new parliament member from PKR ?
Is not "a" simple question lar. . you asked alot of questions .
Leader ? Soon Seng's the leader. LOL . He'll sure find away to negotiate with the pirates and saves us all .. maybe.
2nd :I would ask them to kill joseph ... i know him the least .. lol .
3rd: why betray ? only blindfolded and dark place mar... not as if got external factors that will induce betrayal .
4th: i think this is clear ... Xi Yuan bah ... but if use mouth to fight , i.e fight verbally , then maybe me or xi yuan lor . hehe .
Well , its consider a basic courtesy that you answer those questions first before you ask others to answer .... show ur what you think ~~~
I will say Chin Horng is the leader, bcos he is the only big, fat and beatable....
i will ask them to decide themselves who they wan to kill, if really need to say one, it will b Joseph also ...hehe ....
Lol... good answers chew... but i just post before dinner...then haven post my comment here let u post first le...
ok, sure i will give answer...
1st Q: Cos we got no leader actually leader... i just can think of captain boey... but in this situation, i will tell the pirates Kai yuan is the leader... reason is kai yuan better in communication...i mean in formal way...then his mature speaking may survive all of us...
2ndQ: Ok... i will choose to silent until the pirate kill me ... actually i think this is the toughest question among all... i think this question for 3 days before i post this and i cant get a solution...i not trying to skip this question...really make me dont know who to choose... i even imagine the situation when pirate kill Small mouse...NO...No... i not going to choose him.... then... i commit suicide...sorry for giving this lame answer...
3rdQ:Hm... i think is chew sheu sheng...well...evil look...and maybe independent thinking ba... (common...i think very hard also,but got to be honest wat)...Ok,hard to explain...but is first idea in mind wat...sorry chew... the second people i think of is meng guan le...Hm...maybe betray is too heavy here... well... chew is my answer...
4thQ:Xi yuan... this i got same wif chew...Feng1 Cheng2 guy...haha... no la... is actually he is the most 义 friend...addition, he got lot of those la3 la4 friends...he is a good meat beer friend... a haha... Qiong a ....
*ji ling zhi is A qiong... 9 li one...
aiyo ....press wrongly just now ....
carry on ....i think no one will become betrayer
xi Yuan will fight for us .....xu shen and Peter will "diao" them by using mouth .....
*upstair also mine*
sad ... got hard feeling one ah . diao lor .
1st of all, you think post it in black damn cute ar???
1st Question: I think I will say Ong is the leader.. because he got the charisma.. Don't get me wrong. I choose him not because he is big or what, its because he has the most ability to fight back among all of us.. and not to forget he really communicate well with anyone.
2nd question:Seriously, I will just keep silent... know why, because silent is gold...
3rd question: betrayal? I don't think I ever know of this word in Atlantiz vocab... if got also some act to ease the situation and prepare for the rescue.. I mean pretend to work for the pirate and thinking of the rescue plan at the same time.. because we got lots of actor and good brains around...
4th question: I seriously think that would be Mr. HOE XI YUAN, followed by Ong and xushen... These people share something in common... Unforgivable, ruthless mouth... capable of 'diao' a person till du lan...
lol, dunno why i just keep laughing all the way... soli lar...
1st: Ong, he's been the head in my subconscious. Without delay i will shout this name out coz situation so
2nd: i'd ask him to kill me. This is the real answer from my heart after i read the question...(the pirate wont cheat me one right?)
3rd: Oi, hard question lar... have to look at all atlantiz member's picture to get some flash back memory...i use 删除法 for this, the last 2 person to delete is: Gan & Chew. Champion in my heart goes to............................
Reason: 删除法(comparing method)
4th: No Doubt. Xi yuan
p/s: the picture really suit the topic. SOOOO match with it.
ok wat... the black colour i see from wat angle also veyr stylish... wow... good job ong...
keep ur good work...
o my god...to yuan...silent is gold is too lame !!!walao...nvm... suit u... lame ppl say lame word...
hmmm .. just curious , since 2 of my best friends voted me as the least trusted friend in Atlantiz , for which i know they made the decision after serious considerations and its not joking, what am i suppose to feel or do now ? I'm a little bit lost here .. anyone help me out ?
cmon, that's not least trusted to me, just as i imagine the scenario,i just choosing the person who MAY try to survive using this method among all the very low probability to act this...
well this is kind like answer a 'dunno what its talking' objective question... @_@
comon... that y i mention there betray is too heavy here... i dont believe that any atlantiz will betray atlantiz... i choose u cos i feel that u may have other way to save us... maybe u free urself first then ask for others help from outside... i just close my eyes and think...then ur pic come out... u are the weakers(in physical)...then oni i choose u la... aiyo... feel so guity to post this blog la... i have to apologize to u la... hm.... if need then we delete the blog ok? sorry la... this is not the purpose we set up this blog together ma huh...sorry much to u from the bottom of my heart...sorry chew...
lol... misunderstanding leading to a potential feud within Atlantiz... OMG... this time damn shit ... lol...
anyway, as I mention before I believe no one will betray... I would they will pretend to cooperate with the other party and then sought for other solutions to help the rest.. I guess this is what everyone is trying to say about... Just that they are to blunt to spell that out.
Anyway, I think is a good thing also. Don't need to pretend to complement each other... be frank and honest is a virtue... Hooray!!!
Know what, like Captain Jack said before we can drink all the rum on the island if we are left there by the pirates and then we can ride a turtle back to civilization... yoo hoo!!!
lol... wat a question...
1. for me, a leader shud be someone who can sacrifice for his team, being vy patient at times and also project the capability to keep a team together. I would suggest BananaOng.. Very very fantastic lad to have in our gang!
2. Kill lar who he likes (if he love so much)... Joseph got join us for CNY "Da Tuan Bai" or play football along side wf us meh?
3. As far as i am concern, i don't thnk our frens would do somthng like tat. Most of us are still frank and "innocent"... In a dog eat dog world, i am not sure bout how everyone has changed recently... i'd hope "yi4 qi4" comes first and tat we are a gang of good frens till the end of days! (will retract mt statement when somone proves me wrong).
4. It has alwys been that way, Fat Mouse all the way! Pistol Gun "yeng" only, but "lak4 gai1" when got fights outside. :p
Wat a post....
Comment reD~sTar~Reward:
most diao comment-"Pistol Gun "yeng" only, but "lak4 gai1" when got fights outside. :p"
most sympathize comment-"Pistol Gun "yeng" only, but "lak4 gai1" when got fights outside. :p"
most entertain comment-"Pistol Gun "yeng" only, but "lak4 gai1" when got fights outside. :p"
however...1st runner goes to tan wee~~~~~~~
because the champion goes to Gan wee~~~~~~~
YEll out from the crowd:"WEEWEEWEEWEEWEEWEEWEEweeWEweEWEWwEWWwewEWEwwewEWWe~~~~~we want wee we want wee we want wee~~~ho wa wee ho wa wee ho wa wee~~~~~"
to bloody ong...
your comment on HoOOooO WaAaAAaaa WeeeeEEeee...
shit... you become more lame n more cold than I do... Walao we....
That tay kai yuan.... u know y i comment on Ho WA WEE??
"Because never not comment on it lo....HAha..."
Mr KHoo..mR kHoO...mR khOO~~~~~
"PUHHHHH~~~~who comment on who?all card kuning..."
A teh A teh A teh~~~
"Ini comment Ine apa ini comment...Ini mr ho ini siapa ini MR HO..."
wat reaction am i suppose to make?
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