I really learned alot in background design and also painting process. We need to take care alot of things while we are painting, like perspective, mood, lighting, contrast, depth of field and stuff...
We were asked to design 3 background which are VILLAGE, CASTLE and FORBIDDEN GROUND. (all based on EGYPT culture)

The place which lived by the Witch (one of my character design). I designed the witch looks like snake, so that my background also decided to play with snake design.
I met really alot of problem when drawing the snake, it is super hard to make it correct and the angle I wanted also. The paper almost let me rub until almost koyak. And also comment by my lecturer, so that this is the final outcome.

I decided to do a semi futuristic environment for it. The great pyramid is the temple of God. The citizen used to workship and pray there. The 2 pillars beside represent the guardian of the whole village, so that I put few statue and also the egypt ancient words on it. The sholw I wanted to show is the great god is guarding his people.

The place where the Demons were banished. They all were stunned under the God's great stone and tied with the ropes of died for years. Bacause of the evil soul are too strong for centuries, the place becoming a dark, evil place that none of anyone can be at that place.
This piece is pretty rusk job for me, but I still can finish in time. Its takes some times to get the mood I want, After the critique from my lecturer and some study from my research, this is the outcome that I can make it.
I think will be no more concept painting in a short period. But if I really got free time, I will try to do, because I afraid my painting skills will drop down. Thanks for support, bro, cheers!!
Comment and critique are welcome. Can also visit to my website. http://www.atlantiz15.deviantart.com/
Wow ...
Live in snake's body ... first one not bad .
2nd one ... to me it look very "maya" or "atlantis" rather than egypt .. lol .
3rd one .. i like the composition of it . It would be better if the stoned demons are chained by iron chains rather than ropes ? It'll be more scarry if the stoned demons are moving slightly .. screaming .. or emanating demon auras .. lol .
Keep jia-you !
2nd one ... other than 'maya' and 'atlantiz'.. it also gives me the feeling of 'aztez'
because if it half ancient half futuristic feeling .
Can you further explain what kind of god do they worship ? and what's the god form of existence ? Light ? Fire ? Statue ? Human figure ? Sound ? Because i cannot derive it from the temple ...
know what i mean ? From a temple or church or mosque... from the first sight you will roughly know what kind of god they are worshipping .. and in what form they worship .
p/s: next time make human life sacrifize ritual ... spear pierced into one's chest and hang on the top of the temple .. offered with peculiar objects around it .. and weird symbol .. W00T !
Thanks for comment dude.
1st, what is maya thou?? My 3D software/programe also called maya autodesk. And also what is aztez, explain the words that I dont know mah, you know my knowledge quite limited dude.
Good question for the 2nd work which is village. If really wanted to say, is the light. The villages actually praying for the light "come out" from the inner earth. The holy light is the god's light which they praying at. If you want me to further down the story why it come out from the earth, hahahaha!!! Let me think 1st, next time tell you (sorry for the failure).
Nice idea for the 3rd piece with tied up with the steel chain, because the 3rd 1 is a pretty rush work. so I did't think much, just open the file and start wecking the colours and detailing, few things is last minute think out geh.
Spear the human and hang up on top of temple?? What a weird?? So, is quite horror for a temple thou, is this what you thinking?? If you want sacrifice human also no need "spear to chest and hang up" gua...... looks wrong dude, hahahaha!!! Mayb its works in other idea.
Eh, why the hell my pic all cannot enlarge, so stupid, is it my original pic too big or wat???
hv u heard b4 Chitzen Itza?
it is a famous ruin which is left by mayans.
Maya is a civilization which live in central Mexico.
They existed around 1000Bc n collapse around 800 to 900. the reason is still unknown.
For Aztec, one of their most famous construction is the great pyramid of Tenochtitlan. this is where they sacrificed human. it existed around the era after the fall of Maya.
interesting is both these civilization practised human sacrificing. n there are LEGENDS about their high technology.
anyway it is a legend.
hope it can help u.
if u really hv time, go to www.wikipedia.org for more information.
ooo. understand, but not really understand. by d way, who r u??
i m soon jeck la.
i'll make it simple.
First part:
Mexico is a country located below USA.
Nowadays u'll see a lot of western (ang mo) living in america, i mean the continent.
actually these westerns were not native or u can call it as local ppl in america as u see now a few hundreds yrs ago.
these westerns were migated from european countries.
Second part:
Who lived here b4 those westerns?
the answer is maya, aztecs, incas, etc.
they ruled this land b4 the arrival of spanish.
these ppl like to sacrifice HUMAN.
Third part:
Legends said tat they were once very high technology civilisation.
it might b influenced by aliens or even 'Atlantis'. (personnally i dun believe it)
so.... ur half futuristic and half ancient idea is similar to these ancient mysterious high technology civilisation.
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