Sorry la ho, now only 1st time post something up here, bacause I vr vr lazy la, den somemore number.9 keep asking me to post my art work, he said if I post my work here, then you guys will boom me, at the end, I will improve alot wor..... So me also ok lor.... can share my work to you all mah... hope you guys can enjoy it!!!
At 1st, I wanted to say about myself 1st hor, I'm studying at THE ONE ACADEMY ( beside SUNWAY PYRAMID), 2nd year 3rd semester. I'll be study 1 more year of diploma before I graduate from THE ONE, I'm taking digital animation, are you all know what is digital animation??? Is all about 3-Dimensional (3D) and also pre-production (concept art). 3D include modeling, animating, rigging, visual effect, editing and blah blah blah..... Pre-pro is character design, background design, props design, story boarding and stuff....
If you wanted to ask me which firm I'm going in, actually I havent decide yet. Now I try to learn as much as possible in every things, then when nearly graduate I only choose what I really want.
This semester had come to an end, now only left 1 more final project (still progressing). I liked to share some of my this semester work to you guys.
And I start from the concept art (Pre-Pro) :-
We are asking to design 4 character and 3 background for the story that my lecturer gave us.
The story no need to talk liao gua....... (If you want, ask me lo, because story very long)

This is the 1st character I designed this term.
Named Trocero. He was a peaceful, dedicating his life for his five and to God. He had to protect his family from their horrendous fate. I decide to do a egypt style, so add a viper head on his armor, and I add alot of yellowish gold colour to enhanced it.
Around 10 - 12 hours to finish.

This is the 2nd character I designed.
Evil as she may be, only God knows what potions and spells has she concocted, what dark deeds had she done to stay so beautiful and young all these years, some would even dare say that she was centuries old.
10 hours of working time.

The 3rd character of my concept art class.
He came down from the heavens ready to do battle on men's behalf.
I think this design is quite command for me, because while I design this character, lack of idea. So I make him looks really strong and four arms, and also no legged, he fly.....
This piece takes me really long, because got alot of detail need to focus.
15 - 18 hours of painting.

the last character of my project.
Demon Lord, champion among the cursed breeds, known around the dark lands for his skills in the battlefield, but he was best known for his knowledge of the dark arts. Killing, slaying by the thousands, merciless and cruel.
This whole concept art story, I based on the egypt culture. So I decide to design something like scorpion. It need corpse energy to stay live and continue killing. Hahaha!!! Not really know how to explain my words also....
These are all my 4 character design for this semester. Hope you all can enjoy it.
I not really sure you all wanted to see my "art" work or not, if you guys got interest, please some comment or critique. I still got plenty of work can share, continue post up here. Because not everyone will like this kind of work, ESSPECIALLY my uncle (I'm living with them now at sunway).
You can also visit my Deviantart website
Thanks BRO!!
Yo yo YO !
First of all ... thank you for spending your time posting in this blog. We ( or maybe just I) really highly appreciate it.
I have seen most of your artworks . But this's the first time with complete descriptions of your every designs. I seriously think your designs are good and original.( hopefully its original.. haha ) . Yea i agree most of the people dunno how to appreciate this kind of artwork ... but i like it very much .. since i spent most of the time of my life playing computer games + TV games and i've seen lots and lots of characther design before. so .. good Job !!
hehe .. lastly , i hope you can post more of your works here .. or anything you want to share here . I really look forward for it .
wow... I saw my name there!!! NO.9... yes la... u are the second people i keep nagging to post blog here... well... good job...
OK , i sure u will being diao one... wakaka... no body diao u let me diao u...
hm... for this set of idea...i seen it for weeks de... i am the your regular blog viewer ok...but just cant post comments the point... the most comfortable pic for me is the last pic DEMON LORD~...something like scorpion... it let me relate some other character like sand king in dota ...that character look unbeatable...the corpse "Kiaping" there...rockxxx... somemore it background quite nice...
Hm... i want to critique bout the 1st cha Guardian~...i dont think he is match wif the other three... he look like robot but the other 3 look like 'ancient' egypt charecter...he looks like starcraft character...
The second character(witch), is not so stand out for me... if u want to compare... i will say that the witch is more common than the god!i was thinking if her shirt change to cobra(the shape is there), which means to say her body join wif a huge cobra...dont know will look more evil ma...
Suprisingly, I feel the WARLORD,3rd character is quite a nice piece looks decency to me...
*hope to see liang and peter a...
*soon seng and soon jack atleast wave here leh...
*if i see xiao lao shu and fat mouse post i dont want study liao
*request for 2nd post from wee kang and meng guan...
good starting meng guan... buck up~~
Woot!!! thank you very much of your comment duuude. Actually I'm not really worried to show you all my artwork la, because most of you are game freak... DOTA la, starcraft la, blah blah....
Oppositely, I feel comfortable to let u all see la, you all see so much things d.... shud be able to giv critique.
Thanks chew to appreciate my work. I will keep improve.
For Ong, actually the 1st character I purposely make it Sci-Fi look. Because my concept culture is egypt, I dont want to make it all like so ancient, I hope can make it more interesting. And the GUARDIAN will relate to my 2nd background design which is village, is more to futuristic.
Where got such thing put snake and the character?? I ady make the outfits look like a cobra d, my lec love the outfit alot man!!!
Thanks for loving my 3rd and 4th character.Actually I dont like the 3rd 1, the design too lame, can be more epic and hardcore.
Without me.. no critique in Atlantiz is complete... lol...
well, the art-piece looks good for a lil while... they look wonderful at first sight but after you look more closely and longer, you can feel that you can't feel the life in it.. its like too 'jiang ying'... that's what I think.
I don't really like the 1st and the 4th piece because i think it lack of authenticity. the 1st piece really look like the main character of half life and the color and design of his outfit reminds me of the character immediately.
As for the 4th character, it looks some what like the scorpion in the movie scorpion king. I can't feel it is something really new, because it just remind me of something that I seen before.. though it make me wow for just a lil while..
So a lot more work to get your creative juices flowing... Authenticity is what works best in your field. Try harder..
As for bloody ong, so.... damn mean.. *if i see xiao lao shu and fat mouse post i dont want study liao*
I will get them to post then you in deep shit!!!
wow!!! nice comment from ivan!! This is the comment I really want.
At 1st, I nvr play half life before, so mayb I dont know how it look like, I think if I look before, I will change abit the design.
The 4th character I purposely make it like a scorpion, by d way, my lecturer also said I can redesign the scorpion king thou, so that I do like this.
But truely I feel all these design are still beginner, I will work more on it. Thanks bro!!!
one advise tho ,
if you notice most of the designs out there , their body parts , the armor they wear , the appeareance they have, often got something to do with the characther's background . I think maybe next time you first set your characther's background , then only start design it , the end product will be more convincing ?
like the 4th one .. maybe demon lord was a fusion of a very evil King and scorpion spirit ? The kind wanted to become invincible so he choosed to let the scorpion overtakes his soul. If think along this line ...
If i think along this storyline .. i will give more emphasis on the small embroidded body ( the king's body) .. and maybe some parts of the scorpion body ( eg. hand ) transform into the king's hand ...
hahaha!! thanks, Of cause I did think about their background, this is concept art thou, design with reason. These all 4 character also got their own characteristic and reason to design it.
The 4th character concept is the creature need the corpse soul to control or continue its life and can continue destroying.
Some part can tranform to the corpse feature?? nonono, the propotion will become damn weird. I did put the leg of the corpse down there, if u can notice it.
lol, everyone got different observation when look at one thing ... we see and feel something;different thing may touch different ppl ma... lol... So, there are no any wrong comments... but there are ppl who got different comments...
lol, maybe meng guan have to think of who do u draw for...i mean u wont see hardcored &epic doraemon right!
I think this is a principle of one artist should always remember and hold still ...
A hngg... u see kai yuan and chew and me critique much huh do keep post to let us diao... we wont disappointed u...
Mouse boey where? artist comments should be even barbed huh...haha...
reply yuan, lol... u ask them post ba... i really dont want study lo... wo hoo...
meng guan , here's something to ponder about :
sometimes .. it's the disfigured , badly proportioned body that bring the horror feeling to the people , do you not think so ?
It is up to your skill to bring it to live ... bring the sense of horror but not the sense of " haha, this artist messed up with his design " !
whoa lao eh!!! 1st post only, why got so many comment need to reply 1.... very tiring ler.... but none of them in deviantart will comment sumthing, so stupid!!
Thanks for the comment from you guys, I understand what you all mean d, I'll try to observb more do better next time...
But I think future no more conceptart subject lo... so mayb no more character and background design le lo... But if got time I will do for my won portfolio...
Future is all 3D animating, rigging, editing, lot lot lot of animation movie those I cant post here, coz 1 movie will need more than 100mb.
This semester I finish 1 modeling reel and 1 box animation d, cant post here, so you all only can see on my pc screen when I go back lo. Haha!!! so.... wait lo... I'll go back soon....
wow.... nice 3D art.
these ur designed character seem like Dota heroes,did u take it as ur reference when u design these character??
the only thing i felt uncomfortable is the is awful..haha!
anywat,lets upload more your artworks here la~
we should learn from criticize...
wow !!!
Nice art work !!
overall is quite ok for me...
but something i must comment that is about DEMON LORD. He makes me feel like he doesnt really as strong as described. Whole body with the same colour gives me the feel of he might be just among 1 of the creeps in battle field.
I love the WITCH the most, she's so unique and powerful. haha
Keep it up !!!
I din use DOTA as ref la, I nvr play DOTA dude, but my brother did show me some of the WOW (war of warcraft) character.
Thankx for you guys comment, today I went school for the final critique of every painting (chacracter and environment), the critique is more to color, mood, and finishing d, there are still got a little bit stuff to correct, but Lecturer said this will be my good folio, so wait for my background design bah....
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