Well, i gonna post something to support my friend's post downstair...
A ha... who ask me is also one of the foods hunter in atlantiz...if not today i wont from 68kg to 80kg lo...ok... i gonna post some food which recall my good memory!!!is a short blog... but i hope u all will have a good time in the following 3 minutes....
Rating:***(out of 5 star)

Steamboat! it is always the good choice for friends gathering...atlantiz have a lot of steamboat time...this photo i take during the end of my 1st sem...wif my KL jiu ren zong gang...
Well, the food which cook by own will always nicer then others...even though just Maggi Mee~ Rockxxx my maggi mee... as u see, i make my own “黄埔蟹柳午餐肉面 ”(stealing san yuan name)lol...i make the mee to super luxurious meal
... Rating:****
Well, the food which cook by own will always nicer then others...even though just Maggi Mee~ Rockxxx my maggi mee... as u see, i make my own “黄埔蟹柳午餐肉面 ”(stealing san yuan name)lol...i make the mee to super luxurious meal
OK...the meal which u eat when u are damn hungry,damn boring for whole day,damn tiring for doing all works could be the best meal of your life...Wats more your best friend's offering... crying!!! wee kang cook mee for me... nvm, plus an egg some more... sob...i call it 友情面...
Lastly, Home is always the best shelter,family is always your closest people, MUM's food is the world's number one food for everyone of us... This is mum mian xian... i eat it every new year chu 1... i will ask my future's wife to learn it...is a must... i want eat that every new year... cos i will sure miss my mum 's mian xian every new year chu 1st till i old... mum... i love u ....
Rating:**********(out of 5 star)
Make ur Vote at the end of the Blog!!!(just above hit counter la...)
aiya... new application ma....10 days only huh!!!...play play lo...support support....TQ
So wat's ur opinion... hope to see other's post regarding this.... huat la....
Atlantiz_9.....Atlantiz needs atlantiZ....
"Lastly, Home is always the best shelter,family is always your closest people, MUM's food is the world's number one food for everyone of us..."
yea!Strongly agree...
how to rate his ... hmmm
I can rate...
Those food are so called nice, mainly due to the sentiment behind the food...
So I can give those food 5 out of 5 for the sentiment category ONLY...
As for the appearance.. err.. perhaps 2/5 is very kind and lenient for you already...
And taste wise, I would only give your mums mian xian 3.5/5... cause it looks really boring..
and the others I really don't dare to rate for taste... :P
wa.... ivan give damn serious comment...lol.... future chief speak always different... ok... so common! give us some se xiang wei cuisine to vote la...lol...
*lol... my nick look like nike...
haha... to all those ladies out there...
one piece of advice if you mONG to marry you... just feel him up with food!!!
Btw, I think he is really lenient for his future wife, just cook mian xian??? who the hell can't cook that? omg... I can't imagine if someone can't cook even simple mian xian... haha..
I dare you to challenge me that I can prepare 5 different style of mian xian... hahaha....
u ask chew to use say one can edi... ask peter how to soften the mian xian and ask xiao lao shu how to cook the mian xian soup see see... shit... u are big chef... o my god... i hungry de...
shao jiu mian xian ( burn wine mee shuah)
i know how to cook simple mee suah with egg . Challenge me !!!
lol..... cook man xian not so simple wan..
muz got skill, and smell...
still remember jibiet9 last time the old school bag got fried ikan bilis smell???
ya, this is priceless mum cook food with xtra smell!
Full marks to mum cook food, no doubt about tat!
ps: how was my mom's cake?
ur mum cake rockxxx our new year cruzz....
the sincerity...the hospitality.... Puan Ng rockxxx!!!
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