But uniquely, we stay in such a diversity and complex country that we have our very unique and special blend of people, way of life... You can't have the cake and eat it!
Reality is always cruel. What we can do is to act and react accordingly. Lucky we still have elections. What about communist countries where leaders are "appointed"...
A senior personal in the education field (non-m) told me that Malaysia is one of the best place to live, full with natural resources, free from disaster. But only for its political climate!
The votes will ultimately show when polling day comes. Will they vote for a change, or will the coalition pull thru? But since we are all under-age (only me and boylele old enough), but it seems my name is not in side, we can only witness the war from the side-line.
Let's see how mature are Malaysians...
Ps + Reminder: Pls don't turn this blog too lop-sided. It suppose to be a community blog!
Ps 2 : For all co-authors, great job!
- Crusader of atlantiZ #29
Well, well, well.. wee ser...
You make it look like some kinda assassination plot with those kinda pictures... lol .. kinda eerie...
Chills. but I like it.. more variety!!! Yea!!!
Is it the movie "V for vendentta" ?
o i c... i know wat is this character... i saw it on a book... very famous character...actually many one dont know this character come from china for a very, very long period...mysterious group... untill today still got lot people wonder how they done it... lets have a big clap to "SI CHUAN BIAN LIAN"....
ok ma... i feel quite funny...
I thought you want to say Zorro
banana ong,,, damn lame ler...
this is V la, from the UK la, from 16th century wan.... if u dunno pls go to google and search for "v for vendetta"....
~~~~ swt -.-....
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