It is time like this I cant help but ask this question again.
They told me that God has all the plans for us. So, I'll assume that God knows this will happen. And he didnt stop it from happening. Should I be glad that God has chosen me as the one that watches this suffering, not the one who's suffering?
If he loves everyone as equal, then why should some suffer, while some just stand aside and watch !
Or , perhaps, there's no equality at all. Even god himself.
I pray for you, indonesians, especially to those people who're affected by this earthquake. I pray to the Very same God who allows this earthquake to happen.
How ironic.
I really don't understand Him.
I feel exactly the same...
Im from the Philippines, and we suffered from calamities also... And I have the exact same thoughts as yours!!! I'm so happy that my whole family wasn't affected... But i hurt for those who are. I keep asking WHY does it have to happen? How come God didn't do something to stop it from happening? And worst - children died. They don't deserve to suffer... You know why God chooses us to live? Not to just watch and hurt all the time, but to be the strength for those people who suffered. To lend a hand to help them start anew... and to those who lost their love ones as well. We don't call ourself lucky. This is our purpose in life. God wants us to share what we have to those who are in need. Some times i still question God WHY does this things happen... But i keep my faith. Lets all keep it stronger. Maybe, God is telling us not to just care about ourselves, but start caring for others as well. Its time to make a difference. This disasters calls for UNITY. And lets not forget to pray for those who died.
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