So do traditions such as the Grail Cycle and the myth of the Wandering Hero in search of Paradise. Indeed, Atlantis is no other than the Primordial Paradise, which was the source from where the gods and angels brought the Gospels and the seeds of knowledge in the dawn of times. In this section we review certain themes like the Atlantean origin of myths, symbols and rites such as the Mysteries and the Christian Sacraments which we commemorate more or less apishly, in total ignorance of their essential connection with Atlantean events.
We can only speculate about the circumstances under which Atlantis disappeared. Some theories suggest that there was a huge asteroid which shifted the poles, split the Atlantic basin and created the Caribbean region. Others assume that Atlantis was doomed to sink because of a catastrophic earthquake together with volcanic eruptions. A fairly plausible explanation concerns the melting of the poles at the end of the Würm Ice Age 12 000 years ago.
Our Atlantiz is derived from the word Atlantis which refers to this lost city...
An ancient civilization with lots of mystery and story in Greek mythology...
v.boey aka ATLZ-7
Err, Boey, I don't think we are brought together by terrible fate... Its not true at all, given how we met each other years ago, I don't regard our meeting as a horrible thingy. Perhaps you do? :P
haha~i doesnt mean tat la...
i means our name come from Atlantis.
another describe - Their terrible fate; Our wonderful met.
anyway , can anyone write one more paragraph on how we thought of using the name "Atlantiz" , how we derive atlantiZ from atlantis and what's the meaning behind "atlantiz" for us ?
emem.... shit lo.... atleast i know 1 of the reason.... because x year x month and x day our captain^7 dont know see tv or read newspaper then he found atlantis is a "nice to hear" name
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