This photo was taken in dunno which year... Should be right after we left Form 5 since soon jeck is still with us . This is one of our annual gatherings. We were at a Malay restaurant/cafe which called "Shu Shang",which literally meants "On the tree" . The seats and tables were placed on the trees and we can "sit" on the trees while enjoying our food. The place is nice enough .. with indonesian traditional "angklung" playing some easy-listening music , nice food and comfortable environment. This is also the place where we first try to "smoke" . Tho the "smoke" we "smoked" was just "water smoke" .
From left to right ,standing row -shin liang ,soon jeck,meng guan,Boey,Xi yuan,wee kang , ong.
leftmost standing, other sitting's row -soonseng ,kai yuan , me , peter .

From Left standing : Wee see , wee kang,Xi yuan,Boey,KaiYuan,Shinliang
Leftmost standing other's sitting : soonseng , Peter, me, SoonJeck .

3rd Photo : SportsDay of Atlantiz.
This is taken when we were at Form 5. The venue was Bukid Indah Club. We held a one-day SportsDay by playing Ping Pong, badminton , Basketball and Football all in one day. Note: We purposely look at different directions. Only those wanted to act cool looking at the camera .
Left : shinliang, XiyuaN,HongWEi,Peter,SoonsenG
Weekang, Me .
More post coming up ...
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