After going through many many designs by various contributers , mainly from our captain Boey ( currently studying advertising in Utar - ) . A decision has been made and the design of our T-shirt is finally finalized . This is the initial agreed design but due to complications of printing and pricing , we dropped this designs and opted for the 2nd one .
This is the final design : Some changes has been made , eg we make it into collar shirt rather than round-neck shirt . The logo will be printed in shinny gold colour .

Thanks to the Ong who single-handedly get 23 orders of this shirt from non-atlantiz friends... Together with our own atlantiz's order , we printed 40 copies of this shirt which amounts to RM 1000 .
I believe the t-shirt is ready for collection from Peter (8) by this weekend . Please pay RM 25 to him A.s.a.P .
Haha... Great one... Looking forward for more post from our "Home Blog".
All the best, and by the way, the no. is 29 (special and exclusive).
Our Ass Belonged to Atlantiz!
atlz 7
Its cool! It's cool to have a home blog.... Yea!!!
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