I think all of you will be very very surprise that I will post up a thing here. Atlantiz blog already few years old le, but I as a Atlantiz's member seem like never contribute to this blog. This is the 1st time I post a things here, so if go any mistake pls dun laugh at me oo.
Just for u all information, in this sem, I have join UTM's Equestrian Club. Every time saw people ride on horse seem like very handsome, and at one time, I saw a senior riding a horse to the highest place in UTM which is right at the top of a hill. that time i m with Peter, both of us stun by that guy, really really ba bei and handsome lo can ride horse up a hill as we only can run up there, so i make up a decision to join that club once i have the chance.
As u all seem in the photo, this is the 1st time i ride on the horse. That really a lot a lot of things need to be learn when riding a horse especially the timing. I have to follow the timing of the horse with stand sit stand sit.....continuously....that really energy consuming....tired....if u miss the timing, that will be very painful to.....luckily i didn't get hurt...haha....
Only pay RM75, I can have the chance to ride a horse for one sem I think is quite reasonable ba, I really looking forward it. Hopefully I can learn well there and one there ride the horse up to the hill....
walao... y ur tounge come out... careful a... horse can pijak ur tetek one a... lucky ling zhi ling still so pretty until today... or else i will kill all the horse in the earth a...
New year is coming... atlantiz plz tell me when u free??
Haha, finally see something from soon seng... for years we have been waiting...
btw, please don't tell me that the person in the picture is you... looks aweful...
Do tell us how it feel ya, take more pic when u are on the horse ma... so romantic hor, to ride on house with gf behind you... lol XD
ITs a great post from atlantiz-5 !!
Damn yeng lar make me wanna try also . Sure i think this photo will make wee kang envy alot . LOL
Next time see Peter wanna push him more liao .. must ask peter to post something too.
good job ss ! next time take a photo of u and ur gf on the horse one . Sure yeng.
Welcome soon seng to the blogosphere!
Nice post!
Wow. Mr Lee was blogging. Unbelievable. I heard from my coursemate saying that each person got 2 minutes only wo. How about those who use 2 minutes to climb up? Still enough time to ride it? =] Enjoy yourself there la. Kayak is great too. Jing Bao and I sure will slim down end of this semester. wakaka
yoyo!! ss blog vy laku...alot of comments...nice contribution from ss..haha. Happy CNY guys, hv fun n enjoy...
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