I think all of you will be very very surprise that I will post up a thing here. Atlantiz blog already few years old le, but I as a Atlantiz's member seem like never contribute to this blog. This is the 1st time I post a things here, so if go any mistake pls dun laugh at me oo.
Just for u all information, in this sem, I have join UTM's Equestrian Club. Every time saw people ride on horse seem like very handsome, and at one time, I saw a senior riding a horse to the highest place in UTM which is right at the top of a hill. that time i m with Peter, both of us stun by that guy, really really ba bei and handsome lo can ride horse up a hill as we only can run up there, so i make up a decision to join that club once i have the chance.
As u all seem in the photo, this is the 1st time i ride on the horse. That really a lot a lot of things need to be learn when riding a horse especially the timing. I have to follow the timing of the horse with stand sit stand sit.....continuously....that really energy consuming....tired....if u miss the timing, that will be very painful to.....luckily i didn't get hurt...haha....
Only pay RM75, I can have the chance to ride a horse for one sem I think is quite reasonable ba, I really looking forward it. Hopefully I can learn well there and one there ride the horse up to the hill....